I am looking for a specific journal article. How can I find it?
There are a number of options.
- Go to library website and access the advanced search function.
Here you can search by journal title, the title of the article and/or the author of the article.
If the article is available in hard copy in the library, you will see a shelf number on the search result that will show you where to find the material in the library. A member of staff can help you with this.
If the article is available through one of our online resources, your search result will include a link to the PDF of the article. You will need to log in to your library account to access this.
- You can try searching Google Scholar for the article. Using the advanced search function on Google Scholar will allow you to search by the journal title, the title of the article and/or the author of the article. You can also limit your search to include only PDFs so you will only get results of articles available in full text on Google Scholar.
If you fail to find the article required in the manner mentioned please contact the library at libraryinfo.blanchardstown@tudublin.ie and we will try to source the article for you.